Phew! It's been a busy couple of days, and I have company coming for the weekend, but I wanted to get a quick post in before things get too crazy around here. My test on Friday was tough (thanks, Juliet, for the encouragement!), and I don't think I got an A+, but I'm feeling OK about it. I went for a long walk after the test to let off some steam (it was in the 70's), and then I came home, did some cleaning, and took a nap! Surprisingly, I wasn't very hungry, so diet-wise, it was a good day.
Today was looking good, diet-wise, too--until I got some great news: my boyfriend got into Law School! It was his first choice, and is one of the Princeton Review's top Law programs, so I'm just thrilled for him. Of course, we had to celebrate, so we went on a run (okay, a quick run and then a long walk!) and then went out to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants (=diet disaster). I got a vegan quesadilla, which was VERY filling, and a Jones' Diet Soda.
Like I said, I have a friend coming to visit soon, so I don't have time to post the break-downs. But here are the results:


I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'll try to post some more once things calm down around here!
Congrats to your boyfriend. That is fabulous!